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Sunday 8 February 2015

Cheap Alternative Date Ideas

So, I don't know if you've heard, but Valentine's Day is coming up. Not noticed the endless advertisements and self-pitying Facebook posts yet? Lucky you. All reservations at your favourite restaurant taken, or just can't stand the forced atmosphere a cinema date creates? For those of you who have a "special someone" this Valentine's Day, or for those who just want to do something cool with your friends where you won't run in to doe-eyed couples, here are a few alternative ideas to the typical Valentine's Day date.


Not the most romantic place in the world, I hear you say? Back in the times where people had to leave their house to play games, the arcade was a choice destination to take a date. What's better than embarrassing your date by defeating them terribly at a fun videogame? No one can remain uptight while sitting in a plastic car playing Mario Kart. Even if you aren't too good at videogames, there are games that don't involve much skill, like "Whack-a-Mole" and endless 2p machines. Your relationship will be strengthened through games involving teamwork, and it's a good way to see how your significant other behaves in the face of defeat. If you are in the early stages of a relationship, the arcade sure beats the awkwardness of a cinema date and at least you can win prizes out of it. You could do the stereotypical thing of winning your partner a giant toy out of the crane machine or, if you are living in real life and the crane machine never lets you win, you could win a bunch of tickets from an easy game and save up to buy a couple of water pistols out of the prize shop. 
Best time of day: 6 p.m. - avoids the busy times with lots of kids and you could easily grab a romantic meal after


February isn't the best time of the year for this date, but hey, we might get lucky and 14th February 2015 might break heatwave records? Going on a picnic can be what you make of it, it gives you the opportunity to actually MAKE CONVERSATION with your date. You could bring activities or games with you if you feel it may get awkward. Find somewhere quiet with great scenery for best results. This date is effortless, but does take some pre-planning. Make sure everyone knows what food they are bringing, or if you are providing all of the food, make sure it is something you both like and something that will fill you both up. Pasta and sandwiches are a good call, and maybe bring something sweet along too (but from experience, strawberries and cream on a windy day is a bad idea).
Best time of day: depends on the mood you want to create (and weather), midday for a relaxed, fun atmosphere, evening for a romantic date, maybe bring candles. If bad weather, indoor picnics can be just as good.


Exercise?! In this day and age?! If you live in a particularly picturesque part of the country, going for a walk with your date can be a great idea. Even if you don't, just walking around your local town can be just as good. Maybe be tourists for a day? Going for a walk with your date can be a great way to discover beautiful parts of the world that you didn't know existed, right near to where you live. Maybe stop for a rest on a bench by a river? Go into a cafe you never even noticed was there. Again, this is a great way to talk to your date and find out more about them. Best yet-decide you don't like them? There's no schedule to this date, you can leave anytime with any excuse.
Best time of day: Mid-morning as it's still light so there's less chance of getting lost, or having to walk home in the dark. You can always bring along a picnic too!


You reeeaallyyyy don't want to go to a cinema full of couples displaying uncomfortable levels of PDA and anyway, cinema tickets are extortionate nowadays. Yet you still want to watch films with the one you love. Organise a day where you both are free for a significant number of hours. Make a list of the films you both want to watch. Bring a load of snacks and cushions, close the curtains, maybe make a projector, and you have an easy date-you don't have to move! A range of genres is the best option, otherwise you can get a bit bored and begin to crave the outside world. Plus, you can see what your partner's tastes are and see if they are generous enough to watch a film that you love but they find terrible.
Best time of day: Doesn't matter, you won't be seeing sunlight anyway.


Unfortunately, where I live at university is much further from any beaches than where I live away from university. If you are lucky enough to live within a reasonable distance from the seaside, go! It's a great date, even if it's cold. Warm weather means you can go paddling (it's still February, we're not quite swimming yet!), you can sit and watch the waves and yes, talk. If the weather isn't particularly tropical, you can still look around the quirky shops that exist by the sea. Laugh at the funny tourist shops that sell rude postcards and "I love London" t-shirts when you're miles from London. Look at all the different gemstones and fossils in those funny shops. Casually brush your partners hand as you pick a shell up to admire it. Great! Make sure you wear enough layers though, as the beach is definitely the coldest place in the universe.
Best time of day: Mid-morning to mid-afternoon, the shops will be open 

These ideas have all been tried and tested by me and I definitely enjoyed them all! While the typical "romantic" date of dinner and a film is fine by me, it's not the most original idea, and on Valentine's Day you won't be able to move in a restaurant or cinema without bumping in to a couple on a date. If cinema dates make you feel awkward, good! The best way to cement a relationship is talking to your date and finding out about them. Going on dates to the cinema restricts this-even watching films at home is better than the cinema, as no one will tell you to be quiet and you can make it your own. Plus, coming up with a successful alternative idea for a date will be much appreciated, as your date will know you are thinking of them and makes you stand out from the rest of those uncreative restaurant and cinema dates.

 Disclaimer: some of these ideas may not be great for a first date, but then, why is your first date on Valentine's Day? A lot to live up to for a first date.

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